Getting to know the MediaWiki API#

Created: 2017-03-10

This article is a short introduction to the MediaWiki action API, in the following just called API. The API enables to edit and upload content to a MediaWiki by simple HTTP GET and POST requests, for example issued by the command-line tool cURL, without using the standard web interface.

Prerequisites and preparation#

It is assumed, that a successful MediaWiki installation is deployed at some location, say /public/http/wiki, on a server and is available online via some address like By WIKI the subdirectory /wiki is addressed, accessed via either mentioned method that becomes clear from the context. To activate the API, the line $wgEnableAPI = true; has to be added to WIKI/LocalSettings.php. By doing this, online access to WIKI/api.php becomes active and Target #1 is about to happen.

Target #1: Login#

The login process consists of two steps:

  1. get a login token and

  2. perform a clientlogin to get session cookies.

As cookies are involved in this process, cURL needs to read and write them to a COOKIE_JAR, an arbitrary temporary file, see –cookie and –cookie-jar for details.

The first step can be performed by a simple login token GET request:

curl --cookie COOKIE_JAR \
     --cookie-jar COOKIE_JAR \

The triple of GET parameters action=query, meta=tokens, and type=login tells the API that a login token is requested and format=json specifies the output format for the request, in this case JSON, but other formats are possible as well.

The (jq formatted) output looks like:

  "batchcomplete": "",
  "query": {
    "tokens": {
      "logintoken": "d4d36d04151295044920ee32179ea9b558bfcf35+\\"

From the received output one has to filter out the login token. This can be done for example by using sed with a regular expression:

sed -n 's/.*"logintoken":"\(\S\+\)\+\\".*/\1/p'

Note that a token consists of 40 alphanumeric characters and the suffix +\ (also +\\ is returned). In the example above the login token is d4d36d04151295044920ee32179ea9b558bfcf35+\.

Now with the cookie and the login token, one is able to perform a clientlogin action. For example using the following cURL command with a mix of GET and POST parameters:

curl --cookie COOKIE_JAR \
     --cookie-jar COOKIE_JAR \
     --data-urlencode "username=User1" \
     --data-urlencode "password=TopSecret" \
     --data-urlencode "rememberMe=1" \
     --data-urlencode "logintoken=d4d36d04151295044920ee32179ea9b558bfcf35+\" \
     --data-urlencode "loginreturnurl=WIKI" \

In the command above, special characters in the name=content data pairs can be handled by using –data-urlencode. Those pairs are sent as POST data. The successful (jq formatted) output is:

  "clientlogin": {
    "status": "PASS",
    "username": "User1"

And in case of a typo, one would receive instead:

  "clientlogin": {
    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "The supplied credentials could not be authenticated."

The session cookies are now properly set and Target #2 is within reach.

Target #2: Page updates and file uploads#

Again two steps are required:

  1. get a csrf (cross-site request forgery) token and

  2. update page content or upload files.

The first step can be performed by another simple GET request. Actually it is almost the same request as in Target #1, but type=login is omitted and all session cookies are properly set:

curl --cookie COOKIE_JAR \
     --cookie-jar COOKIE_JAR \

Again the csrf token can be filtered out by using sed and a regular expression:

sed -n 's/.*"csrftoken":"\(\S\+\)\+\\".*/\1/p'

Say the received csrf token is 06cd0d427c1192fd13b20462018d768358c2a3c2+\.

Target #2.1: Page update#

With the csrf token it is possible to update the content of a page. For example to create a new page with title “My first page” the cURL command looks like:

curl --cookie COOKIE_JAR \
     --cookie-jar COOKIE_JAR \
     --data-urlencode "title=My first page" \
     --data-urlencode "text=Hello world!" \
     --data-urlencode "token=06cd0d427c1192fd13b20462018d768358c2a3c2+\" \

The successful (jq formatted) output is:

  "edit": {
    "new": "",
    "result": "Success",
    "pageid": 1,
    "title": "My first page",
    "contentmodel": "wikitext",
    "oldrevid": 0,
    "newrevid": 1,
    "newtimestamp": "2017-03-10T13:37:00Z"

Issuing the same commands on an existing page of the MediaWiki, the page content will be updated and all changes are logged inside the history, as if the user had used the standard edit web interface.

Target #2.2: File upload#

With the csrf token it is also possible to upload files. A possible cURL command to upload the file test-img.jpg, located at /home/user1/test-img.jpg, is:

curl --cookie COOKIE_JAR \
     --cookie-jar COOKIE_JAR \
     --form "filename=test-img.jpg" \
     --form "file=@/home/user1/test-img.jpg" \
     --form "ignorewarnings=1" \
     --form "token=06cd0d427c1192fd13b20462018d768358c2a3c2+\" \

To upload files to a MediaWiki, cURL has to

[…] emulate a filled-in form in which a user has pressed the submit button. This causes curl to POST data using the Content-Type multipart/form-data […]

what can be done using –form. The abbreviated (jq formatted) output of a successful upload is:

  "upload": {
    "result": "Success",
    "filename": "Test-img.jpg",

Read more at The used cURL commands of this introduction are greatly inspired by